Today’s original topic was going to be Cardio, but after Mathew (my husband) and I got into a conversation about motivation and willpower I decided that maybe today’s blog should be over motivation and tomorrow’s should be over willpower, because let’s face it, without either, you’re not going to be lifting weights, doing cardio or eating healthy.
According to the Marriam Webster Dictionary, Motivation is 1a) the act or process of motivating, b) the condition of being motivated or 2) a motivating force, stimulus or influence: incentive, drive. For our discussion today we are going to use definition number 2.
Incentive or drive… what are the incentives to working out or eating healthy? Well, honestly there are probably hundreds, but for today’s conversation, let’s just stick to a few. For one, lifting light weight actually helps make your bones stronger! Yes, not just your muscles, but bones as well. How about being stronger and being able to pick up a child or not having to rely on your man to carry that heavy box? I love being able to do things like that for myself. How about the benefits to your heart when you do cardio? You can lower your blood pressure and your resting pulse rate. Exercising can also help lower high cholesterol and your chances of diabetes. To me that is motivation enough. And for me, staying active and eating healthy has also helped with muscle and joint pain that was diagnosed as fibromyalgia.
What about all those cute clothes that you want to wear but feel like they look ridiculous on you? How would you like to be able to wear those clothes? Guess what… you can wear those cute little dresses you covet. I used to be the same way and one day I said no more! I want to feel comfortable in clothes and I don’t want to have to try something on just to be disappointed with what I see in the mirror. Today I went shopping for some cute little dresses. I tried on 5 and ended up buying 2. Did the other 3 not look good one me? Nope, I just went with my favorite 2 because that was all I wanted to buy.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can do it! You can find what is important enough in your life to motivate you. And eventually that motivation will help you find willpower, which will give you determination, which will help you be self-disciplined and then you will see changes in your physical being, your mental being and in your spiritual being. I have faith in each and every one of you!
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